Ansys Free Student Software

Ansys Free Student Software

Topics cover installation and configuration of our free student products

Correct procedure?

    • alexia.carenini

      Hi, I'm Alexia, I have a project in Maxwell (ANSYS Student version) where I calculate the ohmic losses and current density when nominal current is flowing through a current path. To determine the temperature of this current path, I copied the same geometry from Maxwell into Icepak and verified the material properties. Since the student version doesn't allow me to directly compute the EM losses in Icepak, I use the ACT extension EMtoIcepak, where I use the Maxwell design for the project. The issue arises after I run the coupling: I get the temperature results without any warnings, but when I change the surface materials of the Couplingicepak file (All the surfcaes are in steel, i think it is the automatic material, but i want the same of the ones in the mass of the components that i have in maxwell) I receive the warning that the coupling results are not valid anymore. So i perform "Analyze All" on the Icepak coupling, but I receive the warning: "Coupled simulation restarted due to out of sync coupling control file". I believe this is causing the temperature results to vary each time, even though I'm using the same project and design settings without making any changes. The results differ significantly...what can be a strategy to obtain the correct results in my current path ?


    • alexia.carenini
      • Material: in Maxwell there isn't a distinction between surface and bulk material, so obviously I use the correct material. after the coupling when i obtained the icepak-coupling file the bulk materials were correct but on the surface the only material is steel but i didn't choose it. So i need to change the surface materials with the correspondent of the bulk. I also ask if it is possible to choose the thickness of this surface material, and if not, to know the surface thickness used.
      • Sync Material Changes: If i do another coupling process after the mofifies of the materials nothing changes since the coupling starts with the maxwell file.
      • Manual Override: i can't do this since i use the student version and i think that some limits don't allow me to obtain the emlosses directly in an icepak document where I copied the maxwell geometry.

      in any case using this strategy i notice that the results are too different even if i use the same starting document and i don't change anything in the process.

      so i thought to do the one-way coupling on the maxwell file, i obtained the icepak-coupling file with the wrong materials so i change them, then i do analyze all of the icepak-coupling file with the correct materials but again after the analysis i obtained results that are different with the ones obtained with the same starting file nd following the same identical procedure.

    • alexia.carenini

      what do you think about this new procedure? and why the results are again so different?





    • HDLI
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Alexia,

            Could you go to Maxwell model, and "view/edit material" properties and enable "All properties" and "Thermal" to define all the properties' values before doing ACT? Do you think you can resolve it? The student version may have some limits in coupling. 


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