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Convergence of continuity residual at each time step

    • S.Shrestha-4

      Hi, I am trying to simulate a two phase flow boiling of r134-a in 2d rectangular mesh. My calculation settings for transient are below. I keep seeing that the continuity residuals are not reaching the set convergence criteria of 1e-03. A mass imbalance as below is given:                        

                        Mass Flow Rate               [kg/s]
      -------------------------------- --------------------
                                 inlet              0.17317
                                outlet          -0.24588628
                      ---------------- --------------------
                                   Net         -0.072716281


      Is the solution still correct and can I go ahead with running the calculation. How to know if the convergence is correct? 


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You need to have a very careful look at the flow, flux balance and mesh. You may need to refine the mesh where you're seeing the steep phase gradients and reduce the time step. 

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