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Ansys Free Student Software

Ansys Free Student Software

Topics cover installation and configuration of our free student products.


    • al al


      I want to anelayz the temperature inside a box with few heat sources (like engine or something else), the walls gives me heat flux (radiation from the sun) and I put a fan and some windows to make air flow inside.  I dont realy know how to use here the fact I have a fan, In the tutorial there is example of a fan that cooling the CPU of the computer so they treat this as a convection on the CPU and that it. In my homework I have several components (4) that are not simetric with the fan, I know the size and all properties from the fan so I prety much geused the value of cunvection on each components but its really random. more over the fan and the windows making sirculation on the walls of the box, should I out convection on the walls? how can I know each value??

      here picture of my model with some analyses with values I belive prety fine but I dont know

      In this pic we see the hole of the fan and the boxes are thengines will the shell with the hole is the main box

      here oic of the air opening (litle windows)

      I will apriciate any help



    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Which solver are you using? 

      • al al

        Thermal steady state

        Its geting hot from the sun all day

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      OK, if you want accurate convection terms you may want to look at using CFD. I don't know what the options are in Mechanical, but suspect it's covered in the tutorials (in Help) and Learning. 

    • al al

      In the end i want to know the temperature inside tbe box

      The other heat sources are just there to know that there is anther sourc3 of heat so do i have to use cfd here? Do i have the tools to deal with it with out cfd? I would happy if you can send me the linke for the toturial also

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Click on Learning (left tool bar here) and/or Help in the solver.  You can do this without using CFD but you'll need to check any and all surface heat transfer is correct. 

    • al al

      I will try thanks!

      Buy the way I didnt fully understand the diffrences between cfd and what I done 

      Could you tell me q litlle bit? And do I have to download anther ansys? Or the workbench include this?

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