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/Contour Function on Mechanical APDL

    • Mdiogocarvalho

      Hi Everyone ,

      I've been trying to use the /Contour Funtion to modify the contour plots I'm using. The idea is to plot only regions of my model where the stress is over a certain value . Is it possible to obtain such with the following command?


      For me it is important to define the VMIN , while the VINC and VMAX would be automatically calculated.

      Thank you!

    • Saumadeep Choudhury
      Forum Moderator
      Hi @Mdiogocarvalho
      Please refer to this link to get an idea of how to use Contour Function - /CONTOUR (ansys.com)

      Regards, Saumadeep
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    • Mdiogocarvalho

      Thank you for your reply. Perhaps I should have reframed my question better:
      Is it possible to have a user defined minimum , while having ansys calculating the maximum ( or vice versa)? This is not clear in the command definition, nor it has worked for me as I've been trying multiple times. At least for me it does not provide the limits I want. Is there a better alternative for this command?
      Regards Mário

    • Vigneswaran Sridharan
      Ansys Employee
      Hi I checked on the command /CONTOUR (ansys.com), it works fine for me.
      You can set the user-defined minimum value to 'VMIN' and max value to 'VMAX' to have the contour display to plot only regions of the model where the stress is over a certain value.
      For example:
      SET, LAST
      PLNSOL, S,Y, 0,1.0
      This will plot the regions of the model where stress is between 100MPa and SMax. Note: My SMin=66.87Mpa.
      Also, check on /COLOR (ansys.com) to modify banded contour colors.
      Ansys Help
      Ansys Learning Forum

    • Mdiogocarvalho

      Thank you for the reply! But in your case you defined both VMIN and VMAX. What I wanted was to leave the VMAX non defined , so I would only plot values above VMIN (while VMAX could change depending on the changes I make to the model). I think /Contour does not allow this, and perhaps I should define an interval to fit all possible variations in the analysis.
      Thank you for the help!
      Regards Mário
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