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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

contour colormap incomplete

    • jiangtao.lu

      Hi all,

      I was trying to match the colormap between FLUENT and MATLAB. Based on manual, seems "bgr-modern" and "turbo" are a good couple. 

      However, "bgr-modern" is not provided in my FLUENT. Manual clamins 8 "bgr" colormaps, but now I only have 4.

      Any one has the same problem and knows why? Thanks. 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Which version of Fluent are you using? The colour maps have been expanded a couple of times since 2020R1 (we're now on 2022R2) so you may be looking at an older build with newer documentation: it's in 2022R2. 

      • jiangtao.lu

        Thank you, Rob. I did use old FLUENT version. 

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