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Continuing a Calculation on an HPC After Patching A Flow Variable

    • abtharpe42

      I want to run a combustion simulation on the HPC at my university through the Remote Solve Manager in Workbench. Normally, I'd run a coldflow simulation to establish a baseline environment for the combustion, patch a hot zone for ignition, and then rerun it. But right now, I'm using a detailed chemkin mechanism and need to use the HPC to speed up the process. Again, I do a coldflow simulation until it converges and the simulation stops automatically. But even though I patch the hot zone and the "Solution" tab in Workbench gets the green arrow-circle icon, I get the following error message:

      Here's a screenshot of my Workbench screen if it helps:

      What is the procedure should I go through to continue a case on an HPC after I patch a new value for a flow variable in a previously completed HPC case?


    • Vijay Narayan
      Ansys Employee


      I think you can refer to the secton on Automatially initialize and modify case in Fluent User guide.

      36.18. Automatic Initialization of the Solution and Case Modification

      Using this route, you can setup the case for cold flow, include command to patch and then continue the simulation further.

      If you already have the cold flow converged, then use the dat file available to initialize and then continue with the patch and further steps.

      Kindly please explore these and let me know if it helped.

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