General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Contact status for Linear Perturbation (Non-linearities in Linear Dynamics)

    • AR


      I am doing a modal analysis with a previous static analysis. I know that non-linear contacts (frictionless, frictional and rough) are now (in modal analysis) treated as linear contacts (bonded and no separation). However, looking for information, it is not entirely clear to me how the Contact Status affects each contact. I have done some calculations with very simple auxiliary models to clarify the difference between true status, force sticking, and force bonded. The following table summarizes my conclusions from the information I have found and from these analyses.

      1) Is the information in the table that I have made correct?
      2) Would the rough contact behave exactly the same as the frinctional?



    • John Doyle
      Ansys Employee
      1. Yes
      2. Yes

      Refer also to the MAPDL Commands Manual for details on the 'PERTURB,,,' command; which is what WB-Mechanical is using under the hood in ds.dat file.

    • AR

      Thank you

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