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General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Contact presurres when revolving a steel structure / transient structural ?

    • Philippe DIERCKX

      I want to know the contact pressures when revolving a steel structure upon installation (see picture). I can calcute these pressures at any angle using a stactic structural model. But then I need to repeat the calculation for a lot of different angels

      Is there a way to model the rotation in one model that covers all angles ? Using transient structural for example ?

    • peteroznewman

      You can setup a Static Structural model that can cover all the angles by turning on Large Deflection under Analysis Settings. The model can start with the structure horizontal and resting on the rails, with the wires vertical. Move the support point at the top of the wires up, raising the structure.

      You don't need Transient Structural unless the lifting (or lowering) of the structure is fast enough to generate significant inertia forces.

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