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General Mechanical

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Contact force from transient structural apdl

    • oglawal2

      Hi, I converted a workbench model to apdl by writing the input file. Now I'm trying to write the script to get the same results I obtained in workbench.

      First I will like to obtain impact force from my simulation. I understand from previous response I get that I can do this by selecting contact elements, then associated nodes and then get nodal force. Question I have regarding this is will I do this under /post1 or /post26, and also I have multiple contact regions in my model, how do I specify the exact one I want (it is a frictionless surface to solid contact).

      Second issue is I have two load steps. In workbench I can specify how to store the output for each load step (e.g. at equally spaced points). How can I do the same in apdl scripting?



    • Avnish Pandey
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Bolaji,

      Contact forces can be determined under both /POST1, the general post processor and /POST26, time-history post processor.

      CNCHECK command will give you the information about the existing contact/target pairs. You need to know the REAL and TYPE attributes of the contact/target elements.

      You can use LSWRITE command to store data for each load step. You can check below forum discussions for more information on scripting for different load steps.







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