General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Contact and force definition in a bolt

    • gambra77

      Hello everyone,


      1. Im trying to simulate two bodies connected with a bolt, but this bolt doesn´t have any nut on the end. I don´t know if ansys has any mode to simulate de force this jolt generates in the area of the other bodies not usin pretension force, because it doesn´t have it in reality.



        2. The issue with the contact area is that i dont really understand wich one i have to use in this case. I,ve used "Bonded" for de head and body of the jolt with the low body. For the upper body i,ve used frictionless because is a trough hole. I also dont understand very well which face is contac and wich one target but this may be a conversation for other day.

      So, if anyone knows what type of contact use for this please let me know.



    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee


      Perhaps these courses help.


      And for bolted assemblies:


      There are many posts also on bolts, and material online.

      All the best



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