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Connected modules in Workbench ANSYS cannot be updated[help]

    • Pau Cunillera Bori

      Hello, I am trying to develop a model of a bioreactor in ANSYS Workbench using connected CFX Flow modules. I managed to get the entire simulation for the single-phase steady-state without issues. Now, I would like to generate a second module with the multi-phase simulation, using the original module as a template. 

      However,  to generate the second module, the original one is duplicated and connected to the original by Geometry, Mesh and Solver (to use the single-phase as the initial conditions). However, after setting up the new setup conditions in the new module, when clicking "Update" to the next step Solver, Workbench gets stuck in the process as shown in the picture. It keeps freezing in that process and never proceeds, so I can never start the solving step. I need to abort always the updating process.

      I tried to, instead of duplicating the original module, just drag a new CFX (flow) module and manually connect the Geometry, Mesh and Setup steps. It cannot be updated either. It's so annoying. I tried to update the Solver step even before adding the second fluid to the Setup (so with the same original single-phase setup as in the original module) and the same issue arose. I am working on the Student version of 2023 R2. 

      Anyone knows how to solve that? 

      Many thanks :)

    • CFD_Friend
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Pau,

      You mentioned that you want to use the results of the previous simulation as the initial file, so in this case, without connecting cells D and C we can do this differently. In the workbench files folder, you will have the .res file of the previous simulation. In the new CFX cell (C4), turn on the initial value specification in the execution control option, and point to the .res file of the previous simulation.

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