3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

Computational Domain Around Thin Bodies

    • rkoomul


      I am seeking help in creating a computational domain around a thin curved body. I created a thin body by extruding a surface for a distance of 1mm.  The length and the width of the surface are around 1m (see the attached image). The surface used for the extrusion is generated by blending a few splines in SpaceClaim.

      I created a rectangular block around the thin body and used a “Boolean Subtract” operation in Design Modeler (2023 R1) to get the computational domain. Before the Boolean operation, the thin body had uniform thickness all around. But, after the Boolean operation the resulting thickness of the body in the computational domain at different locations are different and at some places the top and bottom surfaces intersects (see the images below).

      I also tried to get the computational domain from SpaceClaim using the “Enclosure” option and it gave a similar behavior as in Design Modeler.

      Are there any special steps needed to be taken before the Boolean operation to get computational domains around thin bodies? Any pointers to tackle this problem will be greatly appreciated.

      Thank you.


    • CFD_Friend
      Ansys Employee


      In Spaceclaim, before starting, try setting the rendering quality to 10 under graphics options and then set the units to mm. Now see if the issue persist.


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