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General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Composite Vessel

    • Chirag

      I am providing pictures of dome of pressure vessel. Can you please tell me how they define different thickness at different angles for this in ACP. 


    • Saumadeep Choudhury
      Forum Moderator

      Hi Chirag,

      For defining variable thickness, please refer to this Free Ansys Help link: 3.4. Variable Core Thickness (ansys.com).

      For the case you have mentioned, please look into this method of defining variable thickness: 3.4.3. Geometry Cut-Off Selection Rule (ansys.com)

      Use the feature "Rosette" to define different angles: 2.1.6. Rosettes (ansys.com)



      Saumadeep Choudhury

      How to access Ansys help links

      Guidelines for Posting on Ansys Learning Forum

    • Chirag

      Sir asking for sign up? Not opening

    • Saumadeep Choudhury
      Forum Moderator

      Hi Chirag,

      in my previous comment, I have posted a link: How to access the ANSYS Online Help

      Please see the steps to access Ansys Help here.

      • Chirag

        Sir I open it and found in Sec 3.4.3 about geometry selection rule. There is a model showng of pressure vessel. Sir do you have that model and or can you explain more about the vessel showing in sec 3.4.3. I want exact that. Can you please share the methodologyfor achieving exactly that in dome region?

    • Saumadeep Choudhury
      Forum Moderator

      Hi Chirag, unfortunately, I don't have the exact model you are looking for. But if you see in the link that I have shared, there is a mention of a tutorial that has an example of how to apply the Cut-Off Selection Rule.

      Please look into this tutorial: Chapter 4: Advanced Sandwich Panel Tutorial (ansys.com), especially section 4.3. Reinforcement (ansys.com).

    • Chirag

      Sir, I tried that one but if you can find and please provide I can learn from that easily. Sir, my humble request from you I paused at this point. If you please provide me the method of doing in pressure vessel it would be more beneficial for me.  

      • harshanagasai668

        Hello, are you able to model the copv by incorporating the change in fiber angle (draping) along with thickness. IF so will you be able to share the info

    • harshanagasai668

      Hello, I am able to use cut of section rule to get the varaible thickness. But the change in angle is still not changing even though i used lookup tables. And more over, the dome portion when analysed , it exceeded the failure index. I would be really helpful for me if someone can point out my mistake. Here i am attacing images for the reference. Even though the angle is specified in look up table, the change in angle is showing in the picture when i selected angle(show).

      • Saumadeep Choudhury
        Forum Moderator

        Please post it as a separate question in the forum. Post it here in the "General Mechanical" channel: /forum/forums/forum/discuss-simulation/structures/

      • Chirag

        which material you are using? is it type 4 so it is with T700S CF/epoxy. Do you check with IRF? IRF>1 --> Failure. Is it your procedure? Which theories you are checking for your failure?

        Please check with failure theories. If you are designing your pressure vessel . The maximum stress comes on cylindrical part of the tank not on dome.

        For draping please give it as a correction angle of every plies. which equations you are using in lookup table?

        Did you give thickness as a function of radius for dome because for dome section? 

        Are you able to share how you give varibale thickness with cutoff-selection rule. How you cut it down with selection rule for every layers. Could you share the screenshot here or wbpj files of your rough model not exact model you are using. Maybe I assist you for further help. I want to see how you use selection rule for different plies.

        My mail id: guptacheerag@gmail.com for further contact


    • harshanagasai668

      Yes, The maximum stress is observed on the cylindrical section. However, I am confining my analysis to the dome region as my analysis of the cylindrical section is completed. Yes, the thickness is a function of radius and the methods for predicting the thickness are well established. Coming to cut-off section rule, Insted of using it for different plies, i created a virtual geo of the whole vessel, then applied it. 

      • Chirag

        Could you tell how you do it? I am waiting for your reply?


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