

Topics related to geometry, meshing, and CAD.

Comparison between submodel and global model outputs

    • Andrew_tan


      May I ask how can we verify if the results we obtained in submodel is correct? Can it be directly compared to those results obtained in global model?

      I found the deformation of submodel is exactly the same as in global model. However, other output quantities such as stresses, energy etc tend to be different. Any of you know the reason behind this?

      Thank you in advance.

    • Akshay Maniyar
      Ansys Employee

      Elemental solutions such as stresses and strains have stronger dependence compared to nodal solutions such as displacements and force reactions. Hence, deformation is nearly same in submodel as in coarser mesh model. If your objective is to calculate the stresses and strains then finer mesh is recommended. Submodeling is based on St. Venant's principle, which states that if an actual distribution of forces is replaced by a statically equivalent system, the distribution of stress and strain is altered only near the regions of load application. The principle implies that stress concentration effects are localized around the concentration; therefore, if the boundaries of the submodel are far enough away from the stress concentration, reasonably accurate results can be calculated in the submodel.
      You can check the Ansys help link for better understanding- submodelling

      Regards Amaniyar
      Accessing Ansys help
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