September 27, 2017 at 11:19 amadminAnsys Employee
How can I compare the eddy dissipation model rate with the chemical reaction rate in the 'Finite Rate Chemistry and Eddy Dissipation' turbulent combustion model in CFX?
November 8, 2017 at 8:13 amvganoreAnsys Employee
For any reacting flow model, the overall rate is available in CEL and post-processing as ..Molar Reaction Rate. To output, in addition, the separate ..Eddy Dissipation Reaction Rate (i.e. the rate from the EDM) and the ..Chemical Reaction Rate (i.e. finite chemistry rate) you need to add the CCL to the Solver arguments: -ccl shortrules.ccl, where shortrules.ccl contains: LIBRARY: VARIABLE: edmrate Option = Definition Output to Postprocessor = Yes END VARIABLE: kinrate Option = Definition Output to Postprocessor = Yes END END
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