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Command for Fluent Meshing to read journal in batch mode

    • KORAY2255

      I need a command to use in Windows Command Window to run a previously recorded journal in Fluent Meshing in paralllel?

      Could you please help me?

    • RK
      Ansys Employee
      Please refer to the user's guide regarding executing Fluent in batch mode : https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/account/secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/corp/v211/en/flu_ug/flu_ug_BatchExecution.html
    • Karthik Remella
    • KORAY2255
      Thank you for your reply.. To clarify.. I want to use Fluent Meshing in an automation cycle. For thiş I have recorded a journal. The difference from the guide is that jourmal in Fluent Meshing have sth python language. You can see some lines from the recorded journal and error in Windows Command window..
    • KORAY2255
      Thank you Kremella, it worked very thanks....
    • Karthik Remella
    • KORAY2255
      The only problem I face is that, altough I opened Fluent in Solution Mode with multiple number of cores and recorded journal, when I start the Fluent and journal in cmd Command Window it solves only using one core. I added a term -t 6 (3d-hidden -t 6 -i) to the command but not worked. How can I run it as parallel?

    • KORAY2255
      Solved just not a space -t 6, instead -t6
    • Karthik Remella
      Awesome! Good to know!
    • Ceyda Kavak




      I also need a command to run Fluent Meshing in Windows Command Window to run a journal file. I tried to use the command below:

      ”C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v202\fluent\ntbin\win64\fluent.exe” -post -meshing -g -3ddp -i C:\CRM\0.AIAC\DPs\DP_AA\AA_get_MshFile.jou

      I also tried -g -hidden, -gr, -gu any many other combinations (Third party link to Ansys documentation removed, Rob,  https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/account/Secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/corp/v231/en/flu_ug/flu_gs_starting.html).

      They all worked the same way, such that Fluent window pops up and requires me to click on the button ‘Start with the Selected Options’. I am trying to run Fluent in cmd, such that Fluent window does not pop up and the program runs in batch mode.

      Can you please help me? Thanks in advance!




    • Ceyda Kavak

      For anyone who is interested, I solved my problem by removing '-' in front of -3ddp.


      Following command works to run fluent in batch mode

      "C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v202\fluent\ntbin\win64\fluent.exe" -meshing 3ddp -hidden -i C:\CRM\0.AIAC\DPs\DP_AA\AA_get_MshFile.jou   


      Following command works to run fluent in batch mode & print commands in journal file to cmd:

      "C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v202\fluent\ntbin\win64\fluent.exe" -meshing 3ddp -gu -i C:\CRM\0.AIAC\DPs\DP_AA\AA_get_MshFile.jou


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