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cmp flow field analysis

    • hone zifu

      May I ask which step of my flow field analysis is wrong, I want to know the flow field situation at each time point

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      I suppose the first question is: what do you expect to see? Second one is why do you have overlapping cell zones? 

    • hone zifu

      This is the model I refer to. The polishing fluid flows from the top to the bottom of the pad. The pad rotates and the wafer rotates for friction. I currently have the direction of the polishing fluid flow. Others are wrong when running calculations. I don’t know which link is wrong.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      How did you set up the pad motion? 

    • hone zifu

      I set the pad rotation and wafer rotation in this way, and I only mesh the liquid flow area between the two parts of the model

    • hone zifu

      My space model of liquid flow

      For the model, I set VOF and standard k-e

      For other conditions, I set the inlet flow rate and the outlet flow and the rotation of the wafer and pad surface

      Initialize with default value

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Have a look at sliding mesh or reference frames depending on whether the pad moves relative to the inlet. Does the slurry fill the whole fluid domain?

    • hone zifu

      I didn't refer to the sliding grid, because I didn't take into account that the rotation is a plane, not geometry, and the liquid part will not flow to the entire area.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      If you have no rotation why do the vectors in the original image go around the domain, and why does the second figure have arrows implying rotation? 

    • hone zifu

      I only have to rotate the face, but I have not set a moving mesh

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator


      If you ran transient did you save data or take an image at each (or regular interval) timestep?

    • hone zifu

      Because now I'm not sure if my flow field setting is correct, so I haven't done that yet

    • hone zifu

      Where do I need to modify the boundary conditions?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      As I can't see exactly what the motion is supposed to be it's difficult to comment. 

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