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Topics related to Lumerical and more.

Circular Polarization

    • golsa.mirbagheri

      Hi everyone, I have a question about circular polarization. I want to plot (calculate) the transmission of a Bragg stack in visible range for modified Ex, Ey, Ez ( I want to change the E-field manually). I know we can plot Ex, Ey, and Ez separately in HFSS Ansys. There are also options to enable circular polarization for the far field in antennas. However, is there any way we can modify the E-field (or H-field) to plot the transmission? I use S-parameters and Floquet port in ANSYS. I know we can do this with COMSOl in "Port Mode Settings" menu.

    • Amrita Pati
      Ansys Employee


      Sorry we seem to have missed your post. Is this question related to Lumerical FDTD? Could you clarify "modify the E-field (or H-field) to plot the transmission"? If you mean modify the fields to inject a circularly polarized source, then you may refer to the following article:Circular polarization and phase convention.

      The article has example files that can be used as an initial point.Then you can use a DFT monitor (Frequency-Domain Power Monitor) to calculate the total transmission. Do you intend to calculate other results such as the phase delay?



      • golsa.mirbagheri

        Thank you for your response. I want to do it using HFSS Ansys for "Transmission" result.

    • Amrita Pati
      Ansys Employee

      Thanks for confirming that! This is the Ansys Photonics channel where customers are enouraged to post Lumerical related questions only. For Ansys HFSS related questions, please use the Electronics Channel: ALF-Electronics Channel.


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