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CHEMKIN: Chemical reaction kinetics parameter needed

    • samzid.ece


      I am trying to simulate atomic layer deposition of alumina using CHEMKIN. However, I don't know how to get the chmical kinetics parameters for reactions (e.g. activation energy, sticking coefficients, etc. The A, B, E parameters in the figure). Is there any database available? Addidtionally, is there any related example available in Ansys Fluent?

    • SVV
      Ansys Employee



      You can find some of the mechanism files in the Ansys Installation directory under reaction folder. If you find the mechanism you are working on, you can make use of it. If not, you will have to find the rate parameters from the research papers on similar topic. 

      The below link will be helpful for you: 3.3.2. Gas-Phase Chemistry (

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