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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

CHEMIKIN-CFD- sticking coefficients

    • Betelhiem

      Hello All,

      I am trying to simulate a transient species transport problem. I am using a CHEMIKIN-CFD solver, and I have a CHEMIKIN file. Here is the problem I am facing the CHEMIKIN file has Sticking coefficients for surface reactions, and I want to insert them in Fluent, but I don’t really know where I can insert these values, please any suggestions I appreciate your help!

      Thanks in advance!


    • Rahul Kumar
      Ansys Employee
    • musti
      I will be very happy if you can provide the input files for me
    • Gabriel Gaitan

      Hello. I wanted to ask a simmilar question to musti, if there are example files for Chemkin that can be implemented in Ansys flunt, or if there is a tutorial that does a wall reaction with a sticking coefficient. Thanks for letting me know! 

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