

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

“Check your mesh” message

    • Niss

      Hello, I'm trying to evaluate the pressure drop in a pin fin array in Fluent and imported a part that represents one of the repeating stripes of the fluid volume. 

      I selected one end as the inlet, the other as the oulet and imposed a symmetry boundary condition in Fluent on the side walls

      This is what my mesh looks like:

      However when I select "check case" before running the calculation, it gives me this message box:

      I couldn't find anything (obviously) wrong with the mesh and I'm confused about what to do. Also, do I need to specify symmetry in the mesh window as well, like as of now, does ANSYS know that the curved regions are also mirrored?


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      If you run a mesh check in Fluent what does it report?  The Case Check isn't infallible so sometimes misses errors and flags problems that don't exist. 

    • Niss

      Here is what it says:

      It's fine then?

    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee
      Yes. That messages just reminds to do a check which a lot of users unfortunately forget to do
    • Niss


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