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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

How can I see average skewness values in Fluent Meshing?

    • merveala01

      I need some detail quality values of this mesh but it only gives ort. quality and aspect ratio and max skewness but ı need average skewness values. How can I see those details? 

      Average skewness and orthogonal quality, element and node numbers...

    • Petros
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Merve,

      You can display min,max and average values of orthogonality, skewness and aspect ratio by going to Report-->Cell Limits... and in options choose Quality and from the Quality Measure... box choose the metric and the cell zone you want to examine and then compute. This will give the minimum, maximum and average values for that metric.

      You can also do it through the TUI by typing report/quality-method and choose a metric. Then type: cell-quality-limits and type in the cell zone(s) whose metrics you want to see. If there's only one, then leave the prompt "Cell Zones(2) [()]" empty and press enter.

      If you are using version 2022R2 or later, you can directly go to Mesh-->Quality-->Diagnostics Tools... and use the corresponding tool, which has also options to mark cells based on quality metric limits.

      To find location and node number of problematic cells or faces, in the Outline right click on your Mesh Object and go to Diagnostics-->Connectivity and Quality and choose a quality metric as a measure, click on Mark and then cycle through the elements. Info will be displayed on the console output.

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