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Characteristic mode analysis: how to plot antenna surface current for each mode?

    • fparveen


      I am doing 'characteristic mode' (solution type) analysis of a vivaldi antenna. 

      Is there any way to plot the antenna surface current (Jsurf) for each mode? 



    • Praneeth
      Forum Moderator


      Thank you for reaching out to the Ansys learning forum.

      It is possible to plot the fields for all the analyzed modes using the Characteristic mode solution type.

      Please modify the magnitude of the modes available under Excitations>Edit Source to excite the specific mode for viewing the fields.

      Best regards,

      • fparveen

        Thanks. But I used no excitation source for characteristic mode solution type.

        • Praneeth
          Forum Moderator


          It is not required to define the excitations for characteristic mode analysis solution type. The post-processing of the modes analyzed by the tool is available through this edit sources option.

          Best regards,

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