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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Change default exported variables in Fluent


    • Alexander Helbok

      Is there way to manually select the variables (like Total Pressure, Viscosity ratio, etc) to be automatically included in the data file of a fluent simulation? Using the legacy file format (.gz) one could do this via a menu (File -> Data File Quantities...), which is not accessible when using the new data format (.h5). 

    • SRP
      Ansys Employee


      To manually select variables such as Total Pressure and Viscosity ratio to be included in the data file of a Fluent simulation, you can use Report Definitions. Report Definitions allow you to specify a certain quantity or set of values to be computed at the end of a solver timestep or iteration.

    • Alexander Helbok
    • Alexander Helbok

      Thanks for your reply,

      to specify my question a bit, after a simulation run Fluent will save some simulation parameters on a per cell basis (eg a pressure value at every node) to a .dat.h5 file. This can be opened in a post instace, where contours, isosurfaces etc can be created. I can export a data file from fluent where I can choose which quantities will be included (file -> export -> solution data...), but since Fluent automatically saves a .dat.h5 file after a succesful simulation (with a limited set of included quantities) I was wondering wether I could stop manually exporting a data file by changing fluents defaults.

      Afaik, report definitions are global parameters, which are not computed on a per cell basis (or am I wrong?) 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You can't remove data from a Fluent data file as that's needed for a restart, you can add data fields. You can alter what goes into cdat files. 

      Report Definitions are computed on whatever they're set on: that can be points, lines, surfaces, registers or volumes. 

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