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Change a physical property value only near the wall?

    • nselvara
      Ansys Employee

      Physical property values such as thermal conductivity can be defined as a function of position etc. by using the DEFINEPROPERTY macro. This example will change the physical property value between the wall adjacent cell and the other cells in which the thermal conductivity of the wall adjacent to ID=5 is 1.2 times. DEFINEPROPERTY(thermalcon,c,t) { Domain *d= GetDomain(1); Thread t5=Lookup_Thread(d,5); face_t f; begin_f_loop(f,t5) { if(c==F_C0(f,t5)) { return 0.61.2; } } endfloop(f,t5) return 0.6; }

    • nselvara
      Ansys Employee

      How do I change a physical property value only near the wall?

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