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[CFX][Setup] Cyl. Vel. Components

    • betteroden

      I have 3 inlet fans spinning at 1500 RPM ( =25 Rounds Per Seconds )

      Pushing 250 [m^3/h] { 250/(60*60) *1.204 ~ 0.084 kg/s }

      "1.204 is the air dencity at 20 degrees C"

      I have 3 Coordinate systems, one for each fan!

      I just want to understand what values are required for:

      Axial component

      Radial Component

      Theta Component

      Is axial the velocity of the outer edge of the fan?

      Radial should be 0

      Theta is radians per second for the outer edge of the fan?

      Thank you in advance :)

    • betteroden
      Also what isninlet 1.1ninlet 1.2ninlet 1.3nis it:ninlet 1.1 = xninlet 1.2 = yninlet 1.3 = zn
    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee
      If you have already defined your local coordinate systems why not directly using them in the boundary specification?n
    • betteroden

      If you have already defined your local coordinate systems why not directly using them in the boundary specification?/forum/discussion/comment/98365#Comment_98365

      No idea what you mean !nI want to know:nn' Axial componentnRadial ComponentnTheta ComponentnIs axial the velocity of the outer edge of the fan?nRadial should be 0nTheta is radians per second for the outer edge of the fan? 'nnandnn' Also what isninlet 1.1ninlet 1.2ninlet 1.3nis it:ninlet 1.1 = xninlet 1.2 = yninlet 1.3 = z 'nnEdit*nI can not find a single place on the internet that talks about those! n
    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee
      1.3 will correspond to the local z axis. So that will be your local axis of rotation.n
    • betteroden

      1.3 will correspond to the "local z" axis. So that will be your local axis of rotation./forum/discussion/comment/98399#Comment_98399

      thank you, now I have one question answered !nOne to go!n
    • betteroden
      Bump :(n
    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee
      Theta Velocity Component is the velocity component in circumferential direction and this is meter per second: Velocity dimension.n
    • betteroden

      Theta Velocity Component is the velocity component in circumferential direction and this is meter per second: Velocity dimension./forum/discussion/comment/98558#Comment_98558

      that's the Axial component! nif not then the axial and theta is the same!!!n
    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee

      /forum/discussion/comment/98558#Comment_98558that's the Axial component! if not then the axial and theta is the same!!!/forum/discussion/comment/98858#Comment_98858

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