

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

CFD simulation of a PEM electrolysis cell

    • Sebastián Cáceres

      Hello everyone! Nice to meet you, my name is Sebastian.

      I am working on a project around the CFD simulation of a PEM electrolysis cell, in order to analyze the generation of hydrogen at the cathode. However, I am stuck in defining the phases of the mixture-PEM, the conditions of the bodies and the boundary conditions (internal faces of the L\GDL-CL-MEM). Does anyone have information on how to define these conditions? I have seen tutorials on YouTube and I have read the Ansys user manual but I cannot find detailed information regarding said selection of geometries in Fluent. Thank you very much in advance.

    • omkarchamphekar
      Ansys Employee


      Please check out this tutorial

      • Sebastián Cáceres


        Hello Mr. Omkarchamphekar,

        Thanks for sharing me this tutorial, I was able to understand absolutely everything I needed about Boundary conditions and PEM-Mixture.


    • Rajat Tiwari


      i can't access
      can anyone help me out please?

    • Rajat Tiwari


      i can't access
      can anyone help me out please?


    • Sai Kireeti Itha

      Hello Mr. Sebastián Cáceres,

      I hope you got the results for the PEM Electrolysis cell.
      I am a beginner in this topic, and I am looking for the sources to learn the modelling of PEM electrolysis cells.
      Though I have found the above link (Link:https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/account/secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/corp/v241/en/flu_tg/flu_tg_electrolysis.html), I am unable to access this through institute licence.
      I kindly request you to help me in this regard.
      If possible, could you please drop your email ID or please drop a mail to this mail “kireeti1729@gmail.com” to discuss further?

      Thank You.

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