

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

CFD-Post error

    • Reza Khoshbakht

      I attempted to simulate a rotational cylinder, but I encountered an issue when trying to open the result section. The error message I received is:

      socketError: RemoteEngineProtocol::receiveTransStat - Communications error: unexpected end of transmission from engine, expected status code.



      Does anyone have any insights on how to resolve this? Thank you.

    • Essence
      Ansys Employee


      Are you able to open the Fluent post-processing without any problem?

    • Reza Khoshbakht

      No, actually, when the solution part is completed and I attempt to open the results section, I encounter the aforementioned error

    • CAP_NJ

      As a workaround: try to export your solution from fluent in e.g. POST format and then read in in POST. So, everything without connecting the modules.

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