

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

CFD Centrifugal Pump Simulation

    • xgteml

      Hello, I am going through Raef's exact pump simulation but I keep getting the message:

      Warning: convergence tolerance of 1.000000e-06 not reached during Hybrid Initialization. 


      Error: floating point exception. Error Object: #f


      When I attempt to run the calculation.

      Any ideas what to try?

      Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJ_WjAlKQ3M&t=306s


    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      Are you using student version? What is cell count you created?

      What is mesh quality? Please check quality in Fluent. The min orthogonal quality should be more than 0.1. 

      Please check your inlet conditions. 

      Please cross check other settings. 


    • xgteml

      Hello, it is the commercial version. Here is the current mesh, I started with a finer mesh, but then went to this just to see if I could get a solution.



      I have an inlet velocity of 0.3 m/s and an outlet pressure of 20,000 Pa just like the tutorial suggests.


    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      can you please change Mesh Metric to orthogonal quality and post the image. 

    • xgteml

      Yes, thanks.

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      Please improve mesh so that your min. ortho quality is more than 0.1. 

    • xgteml

      What is the best way to do this? Mesh element size?

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      Check following videos.

      First find where are bad elements. You may want to modify geometry at those locations. You may use different mesh sizing as well. 





    • xgteml

      Thanks for the videos. Even with refinement, I am not able to get the min. ortho quality to be more than 0.1.

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      First of all I think your geometry decomposition for inner rotating cell zone is not correct. Please check video correctly. 

      Please correct geometry decomposition first. 

      Then check the mesh quality video and follow steps to locate the bad element positions. Then take corrective action at these locations. 

      If you correct the geometry decomposition, I believe your mesh quality would be good. 

    • xgteml

      Hello, I am pretty certain the geometry composition using the Boolean commands is correct.


      I am confused though. When I take corrective action to correct the mesh, the minimum orthogonal quality gets even lower.

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      Then check the mesh quality video and follow steps to locate the bad element positions. 

      Post image for the same. 

    • xgteml

      I did notice the inlet gets imported into cell zone conditions while in the tutorial it is not. Could this be an issue?

    • xgteml

      After increasing mesh quality, I now get this message:



      Decreasing time step does not aid in generating solution.

    • xgteml

      Current mesh settings:

    • xgteml

      Still get the same error message with further improving the mesh: Negative cell volume detected.

    • xgteml

      Is it most likely due to the mesh or something else?

    • xgteml

      It must be in the mesh. I am uncertain how to proceed.

    • xgteml

      I also tried this tutorial using steady state with an inlet pressure of 0 Pa and a mass flow outlet rate of 80 kg/s. I am getting incorrect values.


    • xgteml

      Going back to transient, now this happens?


    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      It must be mesh. 
      Can you please insert more images of the mesh. Some sectional views, some zoomed in views. 

      Also please reduce the time step. Make sure that in one time step mesh is not moved more than a cell length. 

    • xgteml

      Thank you for the help. Just one last question, since this is internal flow, with a velocity inlet and pressure outlet specified, if the pump was scaled larger, would the results change or is it all relative?

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      if geometry is scaled then other input parameters will also need to be changed. 

      if this helps you, please mark this as 'is solution' to help others on forum. 

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