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Can’t open Mesh in Workbench for a Fluent (Polyflow) Task

    • nedmohr

      Mesh does not start when opening from Workbench. I get a grey screen and an hourglass, but then the hourglass switches to an arrow. I have left it for up to an hour. When I close the grey Mesh window, Workbench shows the message "Error while waiting for Meshing initialization to complete. Either the application crashed or Workbench lost communication with it." I am using a Fluid Flow (Polyflow) Analysis System.

      New install of 2024R1 student edition on an up-to-date Windows 10. Rebooted multiple times since install. Installed as administrator, running as administrator
      I am able to start and use Spaceclaim
      My graphics driver is the latest available
      There are no unusual characters in the path to the project file (C:/temp/myproject) or in my username
      I have disabled my antivirus and firewall.
      I do not have any duplicated Named Selections in my geometry
      The geometry is made only of surfaces. The number of faces is only five, so I am below the limit for the student edition.
      I am able to open the mesh utility on other computers, but this is the best machine I have available. The analysis will take a little while, and I would really like to do it on this one.
      I moved the Windows Path variables to the top of the list (I saw this mentioned in another post, but can't find the post now)
      I tried to set NVidia's preferred graphics processor to "High-Performance NVIDIA Processor", but I cannot find the setting. My CPU does not have built in graphics, so I only have one choice anyway.

      Does anyone have any idea why I can't open the meshing utility? Or how to look for more clues? Thanks!!!

    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee

      Try renaming the directory:
      %APPDATA%\Ansys\v241 to v241.old
      Does that allow Meshing to start?

      Are there any errors in the Windows Event Viewer?

    • nedmohr

      Thanks for those ideas!  I tried renaming the folder, but it did not change the result.

      I looked in the Windows Event Viewer under "windows logs" - Application, and I do not see any events with ANSYS in the source column.  Is there anywhere else I should look for events?

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