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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Cannot View Heat Flux on plane Surface


    • spacemandan

      Hello, I am investigating the effect of forced air fan configurations for heat sink. I have attached pictures as shown below. My problem is that when I go to contours and try to select wall heat transfer coefficient

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      Think about the rate of heat transfer. If a heat sink is good how much of a temperature gradient should you see on the metal part? nFor the wall HTC (top image) if you alter the scale what do you see? Try 0 to 5 W/m2/K and compare with what you plotted. n
    • spacemandan
      I Just tried to do that, and it still shows zero. I configured this to be a conjugate heat transfer problem. In design modeler merged all the bodies into one part. In the boundary conditions, the interface between the fin and the fluid is coupled. I am not sure what else I am missing?nn
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      Which wall of the wall - wall:shadow pair are you displaying?n
    • spacemandan
      I am displaying the wall, not the wall shadownn
    • spacemandan
      I see now, it works with the wall shadow. Thank you! Is there any reason for this?.
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      It's a fluid side property, so doesn't exist on the solid side. Ie the HTC is from the wall to the fluid. If you had a fluid on both sides of the thin wall the values for wall & wall:shadow may be different; heat flux would match though. n
    • spacemandan
      You are a genius, thank you!n
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      You're welcome, I'm going to screen grab your comment for my boss
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