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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Can we change the value of parameter used in the wave spectrum equation (Fluent)


    • mrozaq15

      i try to do irregular waves simulation based on psd from FFT of the actual data. so i try to find wave spectrum that have same shape so it can represent th psd as input data in fluent. parameter suh as wave height, frequency, peak frequency, and peak shape parameter can  be canged in boundary condition dialog box but i dont know how to change the spectral width parameter value. Can we change the value of spectral width parameter used in the equation on fluent? 
      Thank you


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Yes, but only by adjusting the variables in the panel via a UDF or (possibly) an Expression. 

      It may be possible to completely replicate the boundary using a UDF but that will be very non-trivial as the open channel is a special case in Fluent regarding phase assignments. 

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