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Can Maxwell 3design run as generator?

    • umozumder

      I have manually designed a motor in MAxwell 3d. I was wondering if I can run my motor as a generator by specifying the speed and get output voltage at the terminals?

    • Peter8415
      of course´╝ü
    • umozumder
      How to do that? I am not talking about the RMxprt preset design
    • Navya C
      Ansys Employee
      Hi @umozumder You can set up everything like the motor.
      For excitation, you can select it as external and define the external circuit with a load (say resistance) across the winding phases.

      Regards Navya

    • umozumder
      Hi Navya
      I was trying to set up an external circuit. unfortunately, I am not finding the option for the ground.

      My primary and foremost concern is how can I define the speed for my generator? Cause I need to provide certain voltage and frequency in the terminals which totally depending on the generator speed.

    • umozumder

      Just following up on my question. Thanks for your answer about finding the ground.

      I am trying to set a speed (RPM) for my machine(trying to form a generator) so that I can get an output voltage with a specific frequency in the coil terminals. Is that possible with the MAxwell 3D manual design?

    • Navya C
      Ansys Employee
      Yes Create a band object and assign band (for the rotor).
      Under motion setup in project manager window define the speed.
      It is the same as for motor.
      Refer to some inbuilt examples/help file if you have questions on how to define and motion setup.

      Regards Navya

    • umozumder

      Thanks a bunch. That worked. I am getting an error saying '' error in making mesh in the band object'" and the simulation is terminating. Any thought on that would be appreciated

    • Navya C
      Ansys Employee
      Create band object using Polyhedron,with around 120 segments, and not using a cylinder.
      If that didn't work. Create another dummy polyhedron object between band and stator
      Regards Navya
    • umozumder

      That worked, thanks a lot.
      When I am trying to simulate I am getting this error. I am not sure whats I am doing wrong.

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