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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Calculation of a centrifugal pump in Fluent

    • javat33489

      Hi all.

      I am interested in the calculation of a centrifugal pump in fluent.

      Ansys has a video on this topic:

      The video sets the inlet pressure to 0, which means atmospheric pressure, and the outlet flow. Fine. In real life, a centrifugal pump does not work like that, it needs to gain pressure, it is first launched onto a closed valve and then it is slowly opened to equalize the pressure, so the outlet pressure can be, for example, 10 MPa.

      So how can I carry out such a trick? My pump produces a nominal output of 500 m3/day. Can I set the inlet flow and mute the outlet? Then I will look at the graph of the pressure in the pump cavity, when the pressure increases, I will stop the calculation and increase the outlet diameter each time, for example 0, 10, 50 and 100 mm - this is the desired diameter. Will the pump reach the required pressure?


      I calculated the pump as an ansis video, the inlet pressure is 0 and the outlet flow rate is 500 m3/day. But with this condition, I have a lot of negative pressure. Why?

    • javat33489

      HELP please

    • C N
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Javat,

      To avoid getting negative pressure , you must set the appropriate operating pressure.

      The operating pressure mainly depends on 

      Density of the fluid and mach number . 

      I am attaching the Various recommendation settings on how to accurately set the operating pressure.

      For more information kindly refer the attached user guide link

      8.14. Operating Pressure (ansys.com)- Detailed information about pressure is mentioned.

      I hope this helps you.



      • javat33489

        Thanks for the answer. Yes, of course I use operating pressure.

      • javat33489

        Fine. Another question about the graphs. In the video from ANSYS I use the expression “head”:

        Why are they used in this production?

        I also need to calculate the efficiency and output push of the pump:

        output push:


        (If the mass flow of water is indicated at the inlet, I set it, if there is pressure at the inlet and flow at the outlet, I put the outlet mass flow of water)

        Am I calculating them correctly???

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