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Topics related to HFSS, Maxwell, SIwave, Icepak, Electronics Enterprise and more.

Calculating Eddy current individually

    • Mohamed.Alkurdi


      How to calculate the value of the eddy current loss alone without any other losses combined in the eddy current solver in Ansys Maxwell as I'm trying to calculate the eddy currents generated in an inductor coil?

    • GLUO
      Ansys Employee


      To do this, the coil has to be solid. You can go to field calculator, choose quantity>>OhmicLoss and geomtry>>coil, then integrate.


    • Mohamed.Alkurdi

      Hello GLUO,

      Thanks for your response, I have tested this out, though I doubt that this ohmic loss is including the DC loss and the AC loss.

      I mean losses due to things like skin effect, proximity effect, copper resistence in dc etc plus the eddy current loss are included, right ?

      If not, can you please refere to the used experession to calculate the ohmic loss in this case.

      Best regards,

    • GLUO
      Ansys Employee


      Ohmic loss includes all of them. Please make sure your mesh is fine enough to capture these effects.


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