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Calculate resonator coupling Q from HFSS and Maxwell

    • Long Nguyen


      I am trying to estimate the coupling Q between a coplanar waveguide resonator and a coplanar waveguide line. I want to use notch-type coupling

      With the model looks similar to this configuration:
      Taken from https://epjquantumtechnology.springeropen.com/articles/10.1140/epjqt/s40507-018-0066-3

      Is there a way to estimate the coupling Q from Ansys Maxwell mutual inductance and capacitance?

      If not, I plan to use HFSS, simulate S21 and try to extract the coupling Q. Is there a way to extract it directly from Ansys?
      How to increaes the accuracy of my S21 simulation? I'm usually use interpolate and the frequency value is not exact.

      Thank you.
      Best regards,


    • Rong Liu
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Long, 

      There are three inductors in your case. You need to add ports on the three one as well. Run the simulation and get the Z-parameter, 
      Mutural inductance is Imag(Z12)/omega, L1= Imag(Z11)/omega and L2=Imag(Z22)/omega. The coupling factor = M/sqrt(Z11*Z22).


      Best regards,



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