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CAA method vs fw-h Method

    • jingyuliu


      I want to simulate the acoustic signals of fluid flowing through a pipe with a leak, using water as the fluid. I have conducted three tests:

      1. Incompressible fluid with the CAA method
      2. Incompressible fluid with the FW-H method
      3. Compressible fluid with the CAA method

      The results indicate that tests 1 and 2 yield similar acoustic outcomes. However, there is a significant difference in the results of test 3. I understand that the CAA method requires the use of compressible fluids. It appears that the main distinction in the results is due to whether the fluid is compressible or incompressible, rather than the choice between the CAA and FW-H methods

      the plot below shows the acoustics results of compressible and incompressible fluid using the CAA method

      Please don't heasite if you need further information


      Jingyu Liu


    • Federico
      Ansys Employee

      CAA analysis requires a time accurate, compressible, turbulent, scale resolving CFD flow solution. All acoustic frequencies of interest must be spatially and temporally resolved from the source to the receiver location.

    • jingyuliu

      Thanks for your reply.

      It seems like it is matter of which kind of fluid I am using (compressible fluid or incompressible fluid). For the compressible fluid i use, the results are the same for both fw-h method and CAA method. The same results I get for the incompressible fluid.

      • Federico
        Ansys Employee

        FW-H method should yield similar results as CAA if both cases have the same spatial/temporal resolution in the source region and if the transmission zone is free of obstacles.

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