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General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Buckling plate with rotationally restrained edges

    • lidianne.pinto


      How are the rotationally restrained edges modeled? The spring constante is 100 N.m/m

      Thank you

    • Onkar Patil
      Ansys Employee


      Hi LidiannedePaula,

      By applying a Remote Displacement boundary condition, you can directly control the DOF of the side edges without allowing any rotation about the longitudinal axis. This approach ensures that the edges are constrained in the desired manner, maintaining the intended structural behavior of the model. Refer to the image below- 

      I hope this helps.
      Onkar P.


      • lidianne.pinto

        Hi Onkar P., 

        I made it. However, I obtained the same buckling load as that obtained for a plate simply supported on four sides. What are the boundary conditions for the side that has elastic constraints? I considered null displacement in y, restricted rotation in x and remote displacement (rotation). For rotation, I considered a unitary moment applied to the longitudinals. This way, the applied rotation is rot: 1/100 rad = 0.5729°. It is worth mentioning that M=k*rot (k=100 N.m/m).

        See the figures, please.



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