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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Broken Fluent Launcher

    • NickFL

      Good Morning,

      I did something over the last couple of days where I broke the Fluent Launcher (I wish I knew what!). When I select either Meshing or Solution on the left column I get the error message that appears here and it closes Fluent. I can select one of the recent file and it Fluenht open fine. If anyone has had a similar experience and solved it, I would appreciate any pointers. 



    • NickFL

      More information:
      – I deleted everything ANSYS related in my %AppData% directory.
      – The launcher works fine for 2020 R1
      – When I run fluent -meshing from the CMD it sends me to the launcher and not directly into meshing (as I think it should…?)

      I think what caused this is I launched Fluent Meshing from SpaceClaim. From SpaceClaim there is a Workbench tab in the ribbon and from there ANSYS transfer to Fluent 2023 R1 "Workflow Wasserdicht Geometrie" (Watertight Geometry). This leads to a different Fluent Launcher. From here I can run Fluent Meshing as before. Strange...

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      2020R1 is a different launcher, so breaking both at once would need you have done something really impressive with the computer. Launching from inside SpaceClaim shouldn't do this, otherwise my build wouldn't work; deleting the AppData would fix most things anyway. 

      Does 2024R1 work? Better answers to come once the US wake up. 

    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee

      What happens if you close all Fluent programs.
      Then, rename the directory:
      %USERPROFILE%\.fluentconf\23.1.0 to


      Now, try to run.


      • NickFL

        George: I don't have that directory. I may have deleted it earlier this morning already in trying to reset all the settings.

        Rob: I've been know to do impressive breaking of computers. I've never used this SpaceClaim direct import into Fluent feature until the student showed me. You are right that it is probably not the cause, but it was something different than my typical routine. And I only have 2020 R1 and 2023 R1 installed.

        Like I said, I did find a workaround by entering from SpaceClaim, so don't waste too much time on it.

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