General Mechanical

General Mechanical

Topics related to Mechanical Enterprise, Motion, Additive Print and more.

    • MJol

      Hello, I would like to know how we can modeling bracings (X, V or K) in way that the element are only on tensile (or compression) behavior. How are you doing this?

      Best regards

    • peteroznewman
    • MJol

       Thank you.

      I still don't understand how to do.

      Here you have my model.

      Can you help please?


    • peteroznewman

      Please reply with the version of ANSYS you are using.

      You must use only 1 Link element per brace and set the Behavior to Hard to prevent additional elements being used on these 12 lines.

    • MJol

      Hello Peter,

      Thank you it was only the mesh didn't work !

      I am using ansys v2020 R1

      Best regards

    • MJol

      Hello Peter,

      I can't have the Von mises stress for the beams and columns.

      Is that normal?



    • peteroznewman

      Hello Maxime,

      Sorry for the delay in replying.

      Yes, you don't get von Mises Stress plot for beam elements.

      On Solution you can Probe > Beam > Axial Force and Shear Force.

      On Solution, right click to Insert > Beam Tool.  Then in the Beam Tool, right click to Insert > Maximum Combined Stress.  This is the Axial Stress combined with the Bending Stress.  You can also just plot Direct Stress = Axial Stress.

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