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Boundary Conditions Visualisation

    • ashishkumar.gupta


      I have applied rotational velocity to my model. So is there anyway I can visualise the the movement (boundary condtions) in Ansys (Mech. and also Fleunt for oil flow) in 20 seconds timeframe?

      Thank you!

    • Rahul Mule
      Ansys Employee

      You can create animation in Fluent and Mechanical to visualize the movement 36.19. Animating the Solution (

      and 19.17.3. Animation (

      You can also post-process the co-simulation results in Ensight.:Postprocessing System Coupling's Co-Simulation Results (


    • ashishkumar.gupta

      Hello, I tried that but I cannot see the stress while the object is rotating. I want to visualise/animate the Boundary conditions. like the brearing roatting as the forces are applied, it will deform and stress will be produced.

    • ashishkumar.gupta

      Hello Rahul, I guess my B.C./contacts/joints are wrong/missing. Could you please help me out here? Thank you!!

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