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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Boundary Conditions Shell and Tube type heat exchanger

    • Ghulam Qadir

      I am simulating a shell and tube type heat exchnager in ansys Fluent. I am simulating external flow around the pipes. I would like to know what should be the inlet velocity for shell side which has cold water at 15 C. Tubes have hot water at 70 C. Please help me with boundary conditions

    • SRP
      Ansys Employee


      Specify the inlet velocity based on the flow rate or the desired Reynolds number.

      You can check fluent user's guide on modelling heat exchanger: 15.5. Modeling Heat Exchangers (ansys.com)

      Hope this helps you.

    • Ghulam Qadir

      What would be the ideal value for cold water inlet velocity at shell? I am considering the application of heat exchnager for domesting heating

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