May 8, 2024 at 1:24 pm
SubscriberHi, I wanted some tips how to design a ring resonator where single bent (along the radius of the ring) bus waveguide coupled to the ring with the fixed gap distance of 200 nm by variable radius of the ring as well as size of bent bus waveguide accordingly. Thank you
May 9, 2024 at 6:50 pm
Trevor O'Loughlin
Ansys EmployeeHi dubey,
I’m not exactly sure what tools you are working with, but this should help you get started: Ring resonator getting started - Design and initial simulation – Ansys Optics. It’s not exactly the same, but it should help you get an idea where to place all the objects.  You would have to modify the input and output to fit your needs.  If you have a known wavelength, you would only need to simulate the coupling region.  But if you are looking for resonance you would need to simulate the whole resonant structure. Â
Since you are looking to vary the radius of the ring and bus, parameter sweeps may also be helpful to you: Parameter sweep utility – Ansys Optics. I would start out with a small number of sweeps of the important parts to gauge time and space requirements, as they can be intensive if you try too much at once.
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