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Beam Connection for Three Plate

    • AG_07

      Hi everyone,


      I use beam elements instead of bolt connections in parts consisting of 3 plates.


      As seen in the figure, I proceeded by selecting the washer surfaces of the first plate and the last plate to create the connection.


      But how can I establish contact between the mid plate and this beam element?


      Under Connections, all bodies are defined as frictionless. Can I continue without establishing contact by acting like a body in the formed beam element?


      Can you help me on this matter?


      #question #discussion


    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee


      If the these contact are important use 3D plates and bolts (we can use solsh190 - sweep method set to solid-shell:


      All the best


      • AG_07





        I am doing explicit analysis. Actually, I want to continue with shell elements and shorten the solution time. I can constrain the first and last plates with the washer selection in beam elements. But how can I constrain the shell plate in the middle? There shall be a solution for this problem.





    • AG_07



      I am doing explicit analysis. Actually, I want to continue with shell elements and shorten the solution time. I can constrain the first and last plates with the washer selection in beam elements. But how can I constrain the shell plate in the middle? There shall be a solution for this problem.



    • brandonturner178

      I'm performing explicit finite element analysis using shell elements and need to reduce computation time. I've constrained the first and last plates using beam elements, but I'm unsure how to effectively constrain the middle shell plate. A solution to this constraint issue is required. retro bowl

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