

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

BAD TERMINATION in Fluent when apply profile data to boundary

    • Dato

      Hello everyone,

      It's steady simulation in 2D model with two inlet and one outlet. I specify space-dependent velocity in profile  and apply it on the left velocity inlet as circled in the contour. I ran the simulation and got a solution. I check the xy plot of left inlet and it seems that the profile is applied correctly. 

      However, there are some problems.

      1. when I turn on the profile to preview the profile data. The data  points are shown in  strange location, which is supposed to locate at circled location corresponding to left inlet. The data point is shown with symbol "+".

      2. Besides, when I enable and disable the "show point properties" and click preview. The fluent go wrong and I have to exit. I have tried for many times and it always happens. 

      It seems there are something wrong with showing profile data in FLUENT. 

      My profile file is attached below. The velocity is varied with x coordinate with constant y coordinate for left inlet. 

      Anyone have encountered similar situation? Can we solve it or it's just a bug?


    • Petros Diakoumakos
      Ansys Employee

      Hi, why is the "Profiles" window only showing "x" and "veloc" in the "Fields" section? Shouldn't there also be a "y" field if you're writing the velocity magnitude profile?

      • Dato


        It's a mistake and I have reloaded a new picture with "y" field. The data of read profile is the same as previous picture.However, the same problems occurs. The point cloud can be previewed at first time, but if I keep clicking the "preview" button, the fluent encouters the same error. 

        Only part of previewed point is shown correctly on the left inlet. 


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      What is the x-position range on the boundary? If you use contours & pick the surface with global range & node values off you should see the min & max values. 

      • Dato

        I'm sure that the specified x and y coordinate is correctly located on the left inlet boundary. 

        So I'm confused by the strange previewed point cloud. 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Can you write a profile from that inlet and compare the format? I can't see anything obvious, but brackets/labels are always suspect. 

      • Dato

        Yes, this is a good method to check the issue I never think of before. The written profile is shown below. X and Y velocity are written out. It is seemed that the profile is applied correctly. But I'm just confused by the preview that some points are out of my boundary.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Not sure. Diagnosing on the Forum isn't easy, so we tend to aim for "getting it working" more so than "what did I do wrong" or "what went wrong" as we're not permitted to download/open files. If the model is behaving then all good. 

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