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Axial flux motor design using rmxprt and maxwell

    • wonseiii99

      Hi, I'm using maxwell 2020R2. I'm trying to design AFM in rmxprt and then analyze it in maxwell.

      But I keep getting only half of the motors from Maxwell.

      Of course, I'm getting the full model by going into maxwell and modifying the fraction, but if I do this, half of the magnets and coils are checked as non-model, so the magnets lose their magnetization direction

       and have to be re-specified, and half of the coil terminals also have to be re-configured.

      I don't have enough electromagnetic knowledge to solve this part, but can't I get the full model directly from rmxprt?



    • Miranda Hourihan
      Ansys Employee

      To export the full motor geometry  you need to:

      1/ Go to Design Settings / Tab User Defined Data

      2/ Click on Enable

      3/ Write "Fractions 1"

      4/ Run RMxprt Analysis

      5/ Create a Maxwell model

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