TAGGED: 3d-geomertry, 3d-maxwell-simulation, maxwell
July 22, 2024 at 11:18 pm
SubscriberI am trying to do 3D simulation (Magnetostatics) in Ansys Maxwell of an axial flux motor. The simulation ran about 7-8 minutes and then it is showing " process '3dnms' terminated abnormally. It may have been run out of memory or could have been killed by the user." I was checking the task manager and durin g termination of simulation it was around 94% memory usage. I have 16 GB RAM and the number of elements from Mesh Statistics is about 15455. The issue is similiar for a 32GB RAM PC as well. I was wondering if there is any other issue I am missing. Kindly help.
July 24, 2024 at 3:13 am
July 31, 2024 at 12:00 pm
Reshmi Raghavan
Ansys EmployeeHello Junaed,
As you mentioned the model is taking around 94% memory usage, this is the reason for failure of the analysis. The solution for the same is to either increase the RAM and another is to simplify the problem which is being solved.Â
In the initial magnetostatic analysis are you exciting the windings with a current?Â
You can make the model segemented if not done. This would help in generating a refined mesh.
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