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Automating MAC Matrix Export in ANSYS Workbench


    • thierry.bourdon


      I am working on correlating results with the NVH Toolkit in ANSYS Workbench 2024R2 and I aim to optimize my numerical model.
      I am using Mechanical scripting to automate the MAC matrix calculations and to set up loops for optimization. I have successfully created a program that adjusts the geometry thickness and performs the MAC calculation. However, I haven't found a way to automatically export the MAC matrix results to a CSV file without manual intervention.
      I tried using the recording feature in Mechanical scripting, but no relevant commands appeared on the record page.
      Is there any command available for exporting, or is there an alternative approach to achieve this?
      Thank you in advance

    • dlooman
      Ansys Employee

      Could you use *get,my_value,RSTMAC in a commands object to report values in the commands object Details window which could then be checked as output parameters?

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee

      Perhaps this helps:
      Any questions on that post them under the above post (https://discuss.ansys.com/discussion/2755/how-to-run-functions-that-are-defined-in-an-act-extension-or-mechanical-add-on-from-a-script)

    • thierry.bourdon



      The Get command isn’t working and is returning 0 in the output parameter. 

      I tried using the script from the link you provided and found the ‘export’ command. However, I couldn’t figure out how to set the file path for the export

      Do you have any idea how to use the ExportMAC function ?

      nvh_addon = ExtAPI.ExtensionManager.GetExtensionByName(“NVHToolkit”)
      nvh_module = nvh_addon.GetModule()


      • Simfr


        did you find the solution?


    • thierry.bourdon

      Hello, Yes ! 

      • Simfr

        Hello, could you share with me how you do that? If possible, could you explain whether, in your optimization loop, you simply observe the MAC matrix or use it for another application? Thanks for your help

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