TAGGED: #fluent-#ansys, 3d-anayls-s, mesh, meshing, simulation
July 27, 2024 at 5:46 am
SubscriberHello there,I am facing difficulties in controlling the mesh sizing within my geometry in ANSYS 2023.ÂThe goal here is to set the mesh size to 1 mm on the mid-surface (mentioned by green color in the attached Pic) and 1 cm on the other surfaces of the mid-body. However, when I attempt to configure these settings using the mesh sizing options, the mesh size of the other surfaces of the mid-geometry is reduced automatically to much less than 1 cm, rather than applying the specific sizes to the designated surfaces. This result led to have a huge number of nodes and consequently leads to a significant numerical effort.ÂHere are the steps I followed:- I used the mesh sizing option to set the mid-surface to 1 mm.
- I then set the other surfaces to 1 cm.ÂÂ
Despite this, the software reduces the mesh size uniformly across all surfaces of the mid-geometry, rather than maintaining the distinct sizes as intended. Could you please provide guidance on how to properly set the mesh sizes to achieve my desired configuration (1 cm for mid surface and 1 mm for other sufaces)?Â
ÂThank youÂ
July 30, 2024 at 2:45 pm
Rahul Kumbhar
Ansys EmployeeHi Badr Albeshri,
What is the thickness of mid body? It appears you want to control size of elements on top face and make coarser elements on the bottom side. Due to small thickness it is not possible to transition from 1mm to 10 mm size. You can try one appraoch where you can define sweep mesh method for this body. then select the side face(normal to Z) as source face. For the top edge of the side face define edge sizing 1mm and bottom edge of this side face, define edge size of 10mm. Note that at least 6-10 elements would be required in the thickness for smooth transition from 1mm size to 10 mm size.
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