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assign materials


    • Alaeldin Eltayeb

      Hi, my issue I guess it is super simple. I am not able to assign materials for the geometries I uploaded. If I am sketching new parts, then it is okay to assign materials, but not when a ready-made piece is being uploaded. I am using 2023 R.


      Note: Under the tree, there is a solution, and I should be able to select the materials I added in the first step (engineering data). Please send me a solution via email if possible.


      let me know if you need more information.


      Alaaeldin Eltayeb

    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator

      Hi Alaaeldin,

      We cannot support you via email. When you sketch a new part and update your geometry then you can change the material assignment in Mechanical. The material should be defined in Engineering Data. If the issue is different then please share snapshots as well as it may provide more clarity.



      Ashish Khemka

    • Alaeldin Eltayeb



    • Alaeldin Eltayeb

      Ashish Khemka you can tell that I cannot see where to assign materials. Please, your input is highly appreciated.

    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator


      The material from 'Contents of Engineering Data' can be assigned in the Mechanical tree:



      Ashish Khemka


    • Alaeldin Eltayeb

      Thanks for your feedback, but still my issue is not solved. please look at the attached pics and provide more opinions If you can. also, please let me know if online meeting is an option as well. I need someone to guide me through it. 

    • Alaeldin Eltayeb

    • Alaeldin Eltayeb

    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator


      When you select a specific part and then try assigning material to the same in the Details of that Geometry. 



      Ashish Khemka

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